Wow...shin-deep powder snow, big blue skies, amazing scenery...and dogs!!! What more could you want in life? I think anyone that spends anytime in the mountains can share that amazing feeling of suddenly being bathed in sunlight after a long hike up through the forests, it is just so amazing and your spirits soar! I am odd in that I actually love the uphill part too, especially when a bunch or furry friends are sniffing, rolling, snorting and just loving life right next to me.
..and we are off! noses to the ground already, three friends lead the way while Bam-Bam trots along behind, looking back every now and then to eyeball my treat pouch. He always takes a couple of minutes to realize that we hike before we get any treats, and soon he is swinging round the others, doing his small hyperactive doggy thing :)
I love this shot of Buddy! He was snuffling around in the snow and was taken by surprise as I walked by with the camera! That twig balanced on his head for a good couple of seconds, making the whole thing even funnier!
We got to check out some beautiful views..the below shot shows the dogs and I looking North, back in the direction we have climbed...well I guess if you look closely I am looking at the view, and the dogs have noses in the snow as usual! To their credit they all take a moment to appreciate where we live - I am just not fast enough to capture it with the camera!
Check out Rainbow Mtn above the cool, and Jayda taking a break from her galloping looks pretty darn cute too! She had the honour of the doggy backpack today, and carried it well!
Then we made it into the beautiful :) See you tomorrow!