Pouring rain in the valley meant we warmed up under the cover on the forest canopy for the first hour...then it was up into the snow! So fun...I cannot think of a better way to spend a rainy day than running round the forest with a bunch of dogs, climbing up to the snow to play and roll around before the long hike down. It was awesome - nobody else around just me, the dogs, and the great outdoors, no offence to you humans or anything - haha...
Are you ready..? Lets go!!
Billie Jean, (our WAG pal) Ever, and Buddy ready for the off in the dark dark forest...
then we are off!
We then made it to the snow, yessssss! Big smiles all round and we all had a good roll in it :)
Ever, Billie Jean, Buddy and me! We played, ate snow and enjoyed ourslelves before winding our way back down to the valley and the green forests.
Down we go...see you next time!