We had another awesome hike today, some old friends joined us; Spanky and Harmony the Westies, and oh how they run! Little pocket-rockets the pair of them, and they are so funny with their little tails going like pistons! Click the picture below to enlarge...and you will see them both in full flight, head to tail!!
We also met the lovely Ruby for the first time today...another energetic and oh-so-well behaved girl! She gallops and plays, but the split second you call her name she literally pauses, and looks to you for direction, amazing. Here she is, ears flying...ha ha!
So the pack were full of beans today, Chester graduated to off-leash , and was a very good boy indeed and everyone just ran and ran, and played, then we sat and had some calmer moments where peace was restored, bottoms were sat down and a treat gently given to each, before the galloping began again.
Corona, Spanks and Harmony know treats are coming!
What a beautiful day!
We played on the lake then headed down the trail for home, the below shot is one of many I snapped away at, while I had a good 5 minutes rest and the dogs just ran round me...perfect!
Back in the truck, and after having a chat with each dog, and giving them a little treat, it was time to pull the camera out one last time before home :)
Then it was time for Julia to come play, and she was accompanied by Corona and Chester today. It was also her first time off leash - and didn't she do well!
We started off the usual way, doing a lap of the perimeter so get the poops, sniffs and general fizz out of them
off we go...
...galloping round!
Then we found a snowman...Chester appears to be looking for his rear end to sniff! Haha
They were so much fun to play with :) Then I figured we had played enough, as they all seemed to start sniffing about and Julia (on her fresh legs) began her bounding through the snow, taking interest in some reeds by a frozen pond, so I made the call to leash up, trot back round the valley trail to home. What a great day!
Trotting to the valley trail where we leashed up, and headed home.