Thursday, December 24, 2009

Ho Ho Ho!

Season's Greetings to You All...!

The dogs ansd I had a festive walk up to Loggers once more, this time with photo's! It was as beautiful as yesterday, but I won't repeat my glittering landscape observations; just see for yourselves below :) We did not do the round-about route this time, as Julia was with us all on the longline and we would have been tied in knots around the alders! But we romped along Riverside and up to the Lake via wider trails and the was wonderful!

Ju-Ju blended in so well with Ever and Skip! She played and danced, and in true husky style totally ignored snowballs...just romped with the others! She did get interested in a stick Ever had...they actually ran around together with said stick but I was busy belaying Ju on the longline, so no shots of that, but it was so funny! Skip gave her polite sniffs, and they delicately danced around each other after that - then the dogs would resume their personal investigations of the terrain (Julia like Skipper partakes in forensic-style sniffing!) before playing together at random...I love the ebb and flow of their antics...I could watch them all day!

...Fun Times on the lake!

We played on the lake, then headed back down to the fsr...where we had a mini photo-shoot! Was awesome, although I think I involuntarily ingested way to much dog saliva (don't tell my husband!)
Skipper Kiss...

Ju-Ju Kiss...

Ever doesn't kiss..
...but she does look great in photo's:

Merry Christmas!
See you all Monday :)