Friday, January 29, 2010

Oh my ears and Whiskers...!

I did wonder what was in my tea this morning; as we saw a huge white hare on the trail today, (I know, it's a rabbit in the story...but hey) he was not wearing a waistcoat, nor looking at a pocket watch, but he did seem to be in a hurry! I was amazed when the dogs, after the initial squeal and bark of excitement came right back to me after literally a 5 second pursuit! It may have been that the terrain either side of the trail was a deep and sketchy, or it may have been they just didn't fancy a long chase, but I was stoked to have all 4 dogs sitting at my feet apparently more interested in pieces of biscuits than a snow white hare running full tilt! The crew today were Brigg and Spy, Ever, and Kayla - and what good doggies they were!

I was not fast enough to get the hare on camera, but he did leave some pretty cool prints!

So today's hike was a long, steady-state climb on nicely track-packed terrain. We set out in the misty morning all eager and sniffing here and there. Then we saw the hare which was very exciting, before settling into a gentle rhythm of occasional play, admiring the view, group sniffs and pee's and a few bursts of barks and high energy dancing. Spy and Kayla teamed up to drop fir cones at my feet and yip at me with pleading eyes to play, Ever and Briggy romped around them taking in turns to play with sticks, enjoy a group dig and generally enjoy life. It was another mellow, and super fun hike today. At one point all of us (me included) were digging excitedly...there is something about having a good dig with a bunch of dogs that is very enjoyable!
heading out..tails 'a swinging!
the fir cone is just out of shot, these two were so funny today!

 love the flying ears during a play session!
 Couldn't get the dogs and the view in the same shot...but worth a look :) 
And after a steady stroll was time for the fun part...bouncing down! It was like the feeling you get ski-touring...I love the uphill, the effort, the views and the feel of working hard with minimum strain on my joints - then the fun part, the momentum, the speed, and in today's case, four of my furry buddies leaping along next to me! No ski's on my feet, just dogs by my side. Perfect! Incidentally, if any owners want to go for a fun tour with the dogs...I am in! I love the fact that Ever's ears are all a flap again in this shot, and Spy on the left of the shot is getting some pow before bouncing back to the road :) Dogs RULE.

Anyhoo - enough from me for the weekend...time to really strap the ski's on :) See you next week, aroooooooooo!
Briggy say's 'have a great weekend!'

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Zen Walk

Today was grey skies and relaxing, the dogs were all super chilled, and we quietly made our way through the forest. My friend Joce joined us with her lovely wobbly Retriever Ozzy, and we had a great time moseying around the winding trails. My good friend from hikes yeas ago also joined us - Kayla (need to confirm spelling, always assumed the K!) came out with us and it was soooo good to see her again. She is ten years old, barks 24/7 and I love her! She also is in fantastic condition with sparkly eyes and a glossy coat. So good to see an old friend once again!
Here is a sequence...barking, shake face, then finally she is still enough to see her lovely features, but you can tell I just got her pre-bark!! 

So our crew today were Ever, Brigg and Spy, Skipper, Kaylah, and Ozzy. Ozzy and Ever made us all feel cold when they went for an impromptu dip first thing, brrr!
Spy clearly is not impreassed with this idea, although he does love to be part of all the action, he just could not bring himself to swim!
Ever and Oz-man bringing up the rear after their dip, with Kayla and the collies leading the way! So we set out up the road, tails up trotting along and enjoying ourselves! We had a trace dusting of snow and everything was frosted lightly, like the top my mum's sponge cake (mmmmmmmm cake).
In the ebb and flow of dog land, I have often mentioned how some days we are a tight-knit posse raging around as one, and how sometimes everyone has a good mingle then spends some personal time sniffing and delicately nosing through the snow. Well today was the latter! After a good romp it was sniff-central - each dog super interested in, well, whatever they can smell..Kaylah dropped fir cones at my feet in the hopes of a good play, and Spy did his usual routine of go sniff, then run back to my feet and ask me if I want to dig a hole/eat this stick/smell this stump/... etc!
Once the forensic sniffing phase had passed, they all proceeded in a line, normally reserved for the end of the hike when we are all tired, and we wound our way along. It was nice to have a mellow day to be honest, the last two were so high energy I was exhausted!
...there were moments though, we had a little dance about for sure, ya gotta let loose sometimes no matter how tired :)

Kayla mid-bark, Skip mid spin to pursue Ever who was about to start a run-about, and Spy watching the action before getting amongst it! Ozzy and Briggy are just out of shot, save a tail tip!

 I love Spy's face here, smiling away on his mound of snow that he conquered!
Then it was time for home, another great day...I love Ever's truck face...she always pulls that expression, I have no idea if she is narrowing her eyes as if to say, '...quit playing with the camera and give us our treats...' or just '...hurry up it's time to go home..' - either way it cracks me up. I love Briggy giving Spy an ear lick (mmmm, waxy) and Ozzy still not sure about staying put. Skipper always has his spot laying down in the back with his face near the window through to the cab, and Kayla, as she always used to...stands at the back until home time, where she gallops out and down the ramp barking happily as ever! See you tomorrow, aroooo!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The BEST day EVER!

...yeah I know, I have said that a few times before, but today was so awesome it deserves that title! Not only was the weather and snow amazing, the dogs were awesome yet again and we went to the most beautiful trails with glittering trees, steaming creeks through a haze of sunshine and awesome mountain, I am not talking bs (although I do sound like a tourist brochure...sorry!), it really is that perfect in the mountains right now, and I am thankful to share it with my best furry friends! Our crew today were: Brig and Spy, Skipper, Wicket and Jackets, and Cedar
Here was our dramatic start, under a blanket of swirling lowcloud/ finger incidentally is outlining the start to our climb! I had a planned mission today, it was all go go go!

Here we are climbing up, and although we are breaking trail it is awesome underfoot...yesterday gave me the idea to go for the higher trails that are not normally easy to access this time of year without skins or snowshoes. Cedar was lead guide, just above Skip, and Wicky was my tail - he was right behind me as I took this, actually shirking his duties and chewing a stick out of shot!

I am still battling the last of the flu bug, that has now manifested itself into a sea lion style bark, complete with hacking at times (very attractive - thank goodness dogs don't care!) so at a couple of points during our climb I had to stop and cough..and of course I had the camera to hand to snap away while I got my breath...a few gems were taken today:

I honestly nearly choked laughing at this one, Skip has always been the perfect model dog, but this really made me laugh for some reason. He struck this pose in such a purposeful manner I could not believe he held it long enough for me to stop choking and grab the camera - he looks like he needs a cigarette in his mouth, a lumberjack shirt, and a Johnny Cash backing track...I may just be mad, but that just cracked me up; Skip you are a legend ! (**had to pause blogging to titter to myself,  ha!**)

And darling Jackets...she carries the worries of the world on her delicate shoulders...and again I laughed at this one...and gave her a massive cuddle and told her it was ok, none of us were riding bikes, and the majority of us have four legs for added safety in steep terrain...this dog means the world to me already, and I have only known her a short time!

Wicky it turns out, does not seem to be a fan of raging creeks and bridges...we had reached our high point and then trotted down secret trail to the Al Grey memorial bridge...I sat on the steep bank in the sunshine for a break while the hounds milled about..Cedar and Skip wanted to carry on over the bridge, but the snow looked a bit sketch, and Wicket stared at it in horror, then looked at me as if to say ' way dude, I am not going over that ...'  He was so cute I had to grab a shot as he wrapped himself around me, especially then as I grabbed a biscuit and called the others to come sit (cupboard love...ah well, makes me feel wanted by them at least!) it was then a wall of fur and licks as everyone wanted treats and a cuddle; Cedar sat on my lap, the others licked my face and it was a great tumble of doggy love...attempts at any decent shots were was all blurred noses, ears and droooling maws! 
Cedar says "...come on Wicket, we are waiting for ya..." Wicky Says "...Nope, no way, I am staying put!' Click the pictures to can see the apprehension on Wicket's face!

No dogs in this, just some of the awesomeness of where we always the camera never does justice to the real thing, it lifts the spirits that's for sure!

It was then time to start winding our way down, and the views were amazing, and it was so fun rushing down in the floofy snow..the dogs were getting face shots and just loving life as we bounded down - the snow quality once we left the forested area was awesome! We had a time out in a clearing after our run (more hacking from me) I did manage to get a couple of good shots too:
Hanging out in the 'Doggy Dell' This is where Cedar and Skip initiated a charge-about...basically running tight laps around and around yipping and dancing! Spy as ever dug holes and asked me to look at them and enjoy them with him, Briggy joined him and the others flew round and round...good times my friends, good times :)

Then we were heading further down, truck bound...I was a little ways behind as I was gathering poop bags and the dogs were trotting on, I let them, it was a peaceful end to an amazing hike, and i was content that we all had fun and got our the time I reached the truck they had all hopped in without the ramp and were sitting in waiting for me! You can't see the others through Spy, Brigg and jackets, but they were all there! I called the others out for a biscuit and a cuddle, and home we went! 

Spy says "...So er..we are ready to go now...what took you so long?! "
And finally, here are some artsy fartsy shots...I was fiddling with the camera during a break in our hike up, and got a couple of 'blurry but I like the effect' shots...enjoy! See you all tomorrow, time for a beer methinks after a stellar day!

Skip those hobbit feet!!

Cedar looks cute (and sits still for a second, amazing!)

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Great Dogs, Great Weather, Great Travel!

Today was Great (in case you hadn't guessed!) the weather was amazingly beautiful with a dusting of fresh-just-starting-to-warm-up snow on top of the settled lower snowpack resulting in perfect travel...we could stomp about anywhere with no sudden breakthroughs, or death-ice to slip on...I could have hiked for six hours today, it was awesome! The crew today were, Ever, Brigg and Spy, Skip and Rudy awesome pack, all suuuuuper high energy today! They stuck together in a gang for the majority of the hike...sometimes they have an ebb and flow of playtime, then private sniffing where they have their own agendas but stay however, a gang of schoolkids seems to be an apt description! They ran about, rolled, sniffed, played, dug holes, peed, - everything, all as one - it was so funny! At one point we were all digging and barking excitedly at each other...I had a bit of a headache after that, but I wish I could have captured it on film - 5 dogs, one human, all digging frantically and being very excited about the outcome of snowballs and a hole! Good times, life should be this simple :)

group sniff

They also behaved perfectly - one of those days where you almost wished a film crew could have followed to see the 'model of a perfect hike'! As we were unloading we met a chap going for a snowshoe...they trotted up to say hi nicely, then we set off...a few minutes later he could be heard tramping along behind us as we had stopped in a open area to play and dig. They all barked, but then trotted up again to say hello, then coming back perfectly when called...Good Dogs! A few excited barks still came out, but they did not chase or trip up the fellow, not did he fall over my poop bags that I left for our return trip (I did pre-warn him about that...can you imagine a snowshoe breaking a poop bag? Would be nasty I am sure!). Later on in the hike, we met another chap with his lovely German Shep. Again, the dogs trotted up for a sniff, and it was all super friendly - no hackles came up, nor did anyone yap at the newcomers, I was so proud of them!
These shots were taken in the forest during a high energy sniff-pee-play sequnce, was all pretty funny; everyone was yipping and taking it in turns to run and be chased. Skip started it off, then Rudy followed his example! Even Brigg had a good old bark, he is usually quite chilled out!

These shots are at one of our river sections...this is where snowballs, holes and general group fun takes place! After play, I call everyone in to sit, calm down, have a good cuddle and maybe a treat. Then we walk on. I try to make sure they know to stop and listen every now and then - and it is great practice to calm them when they are most wound up, and get them all sitting and listening. It's a good insurance policy if something loud and crazy should happen (goodness knows what) but I like to feel that should any emergency situation occur, that I can call them in to listen. If that makes sense! I am tired tonight, and feel I am rambling on a bit (my husband rolls his eyes at the suggestion!), so here is one more picture before I sign off and go and have a nice cup of tea - it was one of those magical moments when it is all quiet apart from soft snow under foot, sniffs and yips, and the clouds part showing what we all live for and love...mountains! The Armchair Glacier came majestically into view under blue sky and sunshine...beautiful. See you all tomorrow, arooooo!

Dogs n' mountains....heaven!

Friday, January 22, 2010

What A Beautiful Day!

The sun was glorious all round Whistler, and as we approached our trail we were in that spooky half light of fog burn-off, so everything was muffled with amazing sun topped peaks coming in and out of view against a deep blue sky, then the fog would swirl round was awesome! The camera did not really pick up the perspective, light, or the atmosphere, but it really felt magical.

We started off quietly trotting along, the forests glistening with ice and the shafts of sun peeking was great as everything has tightened up and got cold again so we could go anywhere!! It was so magical in the forests, and our mood reflected the special place we were in. I was whispering to the dogs excitedly and they were not barking or yipping, we were exploring round in a gang with a buzz of excited energy that was tempered in awe of where we was almost like the feeling when I was a kid; we would go sneaking out to the fields to see our horses on moonlit summer nights, and everything would look beautiful, magical and was a cool feeling to have that again! Anyway, enough wittering are some pics!

Today's crew from Left: Ever, Rudy, Spy, Brigg and Smudge.

Rudy joined us today and he rocks! He is a Collie x Springer with flappy-ears, hobbit-fluffy-paws, a swooshy tail and the brightest button black eyes and coat...he is such a lovely boy! He is sociable, funny, very very well behaved, and the most polite treat taker I have ever met! At one point his tail was swooshing Smudge's ear flap over...she did not seem to notice, but it was so funny to see!

Pleased to meet you Rudy-Rooster! (yup that name stuck, thanks Rudy's dad!)

Heads down, sniffing away!

Soon after our magical trot through the old-growth forest we came to a more open area, and everyone suddenly sprang into noisy excited play -  it was so funny! It was like we all respected the forests and were making our way through...then we met more open terrain and off we went! I love the above shot - especially Ever's ears and Rudy's jodhpur-style hind legs!

And throughout the excitement...I had a funny feeling on my leg...and Smudge was er...humping it! Sorry to Smudge's family, but I had to post this picture, it was so funny! She certainly sprang into life after her sleepy start in the truck this morning!As soon as we got out she was wired!

Heading home after a great hike!

Another awesome time with some of my best buddies...a solid crew of really awesome dogs once again. Have a great weekend everyone - ski, play in the mountains, and enjoy the sun on your face! Arooooooooo!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Yay the Sun Came Out!

It was a grey start, with some dramatic clouds floating around teasing us with blue sky amongst them, then the sun broke through and it felt soooo good, even though it was near the end of the hike! We had another solid crew today, Ever, Sadie, Brig and Spy. Gold star to Spy today, he made me laugh the most - I must have looked and sounded like a mad woman having conversations with a collie as we hiked along; a collie who moved his head as if he was understanding, all the time barking in agreement!  We started out marching through the woods, then began our gentle climb:

Ever leading the way today

conversations with Spy!

Sadie deciding between snowball and stick for her snack

We then climbed a little higher and a little deeper into the woods, and explored and old trail I used to walk a few years was pretty hard going for me on a forming semi supportive crust, but the hounds had no problem....not many pics of that section, I was too busy huffing and puffing! We then headed down through the Alders, across the short fsr traverse, over the bridge and down the trail towards the truck.
Heading down, sticks in mouths

There is a spot by the river where we take a break and play, have a treat and I have some cuddles and a chat one to one with each dog. It was at this point today the sun broke through and it was a beautiful sight! Dogs, river, mountains, sunshine and clouds! Ever dug a hole and barked, Spy either supervised or joined in, Sadie did some forensic sniffing and wandered off to pee in the sunshine, and Brigg, came and gave me a kiss! I was so stoked and I managed to pull out the camera and let him do it again, he is so gentle, just a little wet nose - no slobbering licks (that was Sadie!)

Ever and Spy on a digging mission...was pretty funny to watch these two, they dig, bark,watch each other....repeat!
Sadie-Sue trotting off for a pee in the sunshine :)

...and kisses from Briggy! Pucker up!!
Another awesome day in dog-land...see you all tomorrow!