Thursday, January 28, 2010

Zen Walk

Today was grey skies and relaxing, the dogs were all super chilled, and we quietly made our way through the forest. My friend Joce joined us with her lovely wobbly Retriever Ozzy, and we had a great time moseying around the winding trails. My good friend from hikes yeas ago also joined us - Kayla (need to confirm spelling, always assumed the K!) came out with us and it was soooo good to see her again. She is ten years old, barks 24/7 and I love her! She also is in fantastic condition with sparkly eyes and a glossy coat. So good to see an old friend once again!
Here is a sequence...barking, shake face, then finally she is still enough to see her lovely features, but you can tell I just got her pre-bark!! 

So our crew today were Ever, Brigg and Spy, Skipper, Kaylah, and Ozzy. Ozzy and Ever made us all feel cold when they went for an impromptu dip first thing, brrr!
Spy clearly is not impreassed with this idea, although he does love to be part of all the action, he just could not bring himself to swim!
Ever and Oz-man bringing up the rear after their dip, with Kayla and the collies leading the way! So we set out up the road, tails up trotting along and enjoying ourselves! We had a trace dusting of snow and everything was frosted lightly, like the top my mum's sponge cake (mmmmmmmm cake).
In the ebb and flow of dog land, I have often mentioned how some days we are a tight-knit posse raging around as one, and how sometimes everyone has a good mingle then spends some personal time sniffing and delicately nosing through the snow. Well today was the latter! After a good romp it was sniff-central - each dog super interested in, well, whatever they can smell..Kaylah dropped fir cones at my feet in the hopes of a good play, and Spy did his usual routine of go sniff, then run back to my feet and ask me if I want to dig a hole/eat this stick/smell this stump/... etc!
Once the forensic sniffing phase had passed, they all proceeded in a line, normally reserved for the end of the hike when we are all tired, and we wound our way along. It was nice to have a mellow day to be honest, the last two were so high energy I was exhausted!
...there were moments though, we had a little dance about for sure, ya gotta let loose sometimes no matter how tired :)

Kayla mid-bark, Skip mid spin to pursue Ever who was about to start a run-about, and Spy watching the action before getting amongst it! Ozzy and Briggy are just out of shot, save a tail tip!

 I love Spy's face here, smiling away on his mound of snow that he conquered!
Then it was time for home, another great day...I love Ever's truck face...she always pulls that expression, I have no idea if she is narrowing her eyes as if to say, '...quit playing with the camera and give us our treats...' or just '...hurry up it's time to go home..' - either way it cracks me up. I love Briggy giving Spy an ear lick (mmmm, waxy) and Ozzy still not sure about staying put. Skipper always has his spot laying down in the back with his face near the window through to the cab, and Kayla, as she always used to...stands at the back until home time, where she gallops out and down the ramp barking happily as ever! See you tomorrow, aroooo!