Skip, Tao, Sadie and baby Oscar to the right...
Group pose below; Middy (upper left-our newest member that is trying to get them all to chase her!), Rudster in black, Skip, Ever taunting him, Big Bos, Finn casually hanging as he does, and little Jasper who is constantly on the move!

The pack members were so in line with eachother...they teach the younger ones how it works. I love the power of the pack!

Holy cow was it ever nice out! I do apologize for not bringing the dogs back at their usual time- it was just too nice and the pack today was incredible. It is so amazing to watch them all interact and figure out who is who within the pack too. Everything is done in silence and I find that really cool.
Sad news is my battery died for my camera and I dropped my phone in the water:(. How I manage to do this is beyond me at times...Here are the pics I did get...

Then there is Skip...I swear he poses for us. He knows when we take the camera out. He ran through some mud and I thought he looked cute.
Then there are the others doing their thing...Finn- so calm he is, Tao the trooper, Ever and Jasper in a game of copycat, and sweet Sadie...
I like to experiment out there and I decided to change directions on them to make them think and make choices. Trying silent hand signals sometimes allow me to see what they mean to what dog. Some like to stay in the perimeter like Middy and Rudy...they like to be on the outskirts and look inward at the pack. Fine with me- they are always watching so I don't have to worry. All of their eyes are constantly on me. "What's next?" they say... If I stop walking, they stop, if I start running they start. And not just one, all of them. A few times we stopped to just sit as if we were a pack of wolves. They really respond to the body language and every single one comes in for a cuddle one by one. No fighting, it's understood. It's pretty cool.
Oh, and I almost forgot about Smudgy! What an adorable dog! Bosley likes to play with her and watching his big paws try to play with her is too cute!
Anyhoo...I am hiking tomorrow (Saturday) so if anyone needs me to do a pick up let me know by text on the hike phone. 604.388.9006. I'm not good at texting on that thing so my apologies, I will try. Not sure if this is going to be a regular thing or not- just right now I know it's been tough for people with the Olympics on.
The substitute teacher is signing off....over and out!