Friday, March 5, 2010

Best Day EVER (#3)

I know this is probably the third time I have claimed to have had the best day...but today is waaay up there :) We had a day of exploration after yesterday's mellow climbs - it was beautiful, sunny, snowy, muddy, foresty (if that is a word) and generally awesome. Cool dogs, great travel, yaaay! Rudy, Jayda, Bos, Skip and Nalla were the crew:
starting out
up we go...
Havin' a sniff
and another...
Nalla says hi! Pretty girl!

We then had a play in the snow before climbing into the sunshine and going to explore the forest - beautiful :)

Round and round they go, then off we mosey into the sun. It's amazing the difference in the terrain depending on aspect...the entrance to the forest was spring/summer, with shaded areas still pretty chilly and solid underfoot. It's a great time of year - skiing and biking, and hiking dogs without a jacket or snow pants at last :)

In we go!

time-out at the watering-hole

 dogs n' woods n' snow n' sunshine

who wants a treeeeeeeeeat?

Then back out into the sunshine before trotting along the fsr and a few more trails:
I love it when they line up! Rudy leading the way, with me and Nalla at the rear
Jades and Skip initiate a rage about as we exit the forest - I sat in the sun and had a nice break while the hounds amused themselves for a few minutes - ha!

 heading back down... Nalla and Skip hang out with me - is it love or the treat pouch I wonder?!

LOVE the mountains, LOVE the dogs...have a great weekend everyone, aroooooooooo!