Pleased to meet you Yuki, ya beautiful 'ol blue eyes!
Joining Yuki today was Kayla, Finn, Skipper, Indy-bindy, and Bosley - and they all loved the snow, dancing and yiiping in it the minute they exited the truck...I felt mean making them sit quivering and squeaking with excitement until they were allowed to go play, rather like us waiting for the Alpine lifts to open on a bluebird pow day! Anyhoo - here are today's shots:
Kayla gallops in the winter pow, Indy sniffs in the spring forests!
Finn, Indy and Skip share a gallop with Yuki weeee!
Playing on the woodwork
moseying alongside the beautiful snow trees and rock
Kayla makes sure I am keeping up with the pack!
...then off we go again! Bos leading the way, Finn, Skip and Yuki with Kayla and Indy just out of shot, watching dogs wind round switchbacks is so funny!
check out the Skunk Cabbage flower from last Thurs's opening out trooping through the snow!
ha ha - Skipper and Indy (bro and sis) think the camera is me offering treats, bless!
Then it was into the deep stuff...weeeee! I was having as much fun as the woofers here, we all ended up in a big furry heap rolling in it!!
Sooooo deep!
Almost back at the truck, and the sun bursts through...lovely :)
...I spun round and shot the glistening trees, another awesome hike folks - see ya tomorrow!
parting shot: dear Finn, such a sweetie, he was full of Aroooooooo's today!