Today was a nice peaceful day, but also pretty wet and cold in the forest. We brought Billie Jean from WAG with us again today. She is full of energy but the look on her face after a hike is priceless. I dropped her off at WAG to say hi and she melted into Sarah and Maddy's laps! Maybe her nickname should be "Butter"! When she is relaxed she is one happy camper! Should have taken a photo...dang!
Here is the gang today...
Bosley, Jayda, Billie, Jasper and Skip
This sit stay lasted 30 seconds which is real good for Billie! The great thing is when one dog breaks, the others stayed put because they know the drill. I've got the "Gold" treats in my treat bag and they know what's coming next.
Jasper seems to have developed an obsession with culverts. He jumps into the rushing water to check things out. Signs of a good disaster search dog...agile, confident and likes water and likes to explore. Great agility dog too! Not sure if Jasper was a swimmer before now either but he loves it!