Thursday, May 27, 2010

Great pack today!

Lots of creek action today which was great since everyone was panting a ton! We had a great group today...all black with one white and one brown. Marley is our newest member who is like a spring chicken so happy to be out with the big dogs! She did awesome! Of course she had brother Tony to follow...
Middy, Skipper, Jayda, Sadie, Tony, Marley, Kayla

Oh Tony...


Baby Marley

Can't forget Middy! She was after Skipper all day! Man this girl can run! They pretty much wore themselves out today aside from the 2 hours of hiking. I wish I could have caught them all on project! Ha!

Oh Tony!

Water time...

Bat ears so perfectly lined up with the photo.


Sadie always on the outskirts of the hike...
