Monday, June 21, 2010

Some singletrack, some trees, loadsa fun!

Skip, Jayda and I had a great hike round the trails today, with perfect hiking temperatures meaning we could rage round without having to dive in the nearest lake for refreshment...the only thing is, each time we stopped, mosquitoes launched at we jus' kept running, sniffing, barking and playing. Skip was full of beans today and if he wasn't throwing sticks to himself he was raging with Jayda round and round yipping happily (even thought it may have sounded like an angry's definately his happy sound!). Jayda pranced alongside him as she does, paws pointed perfectly as if performing dressage! You will have to take my word for it though, as I used the Blackberry to take today's shots, and the darn thing won't connect properly to my computer, grrrrrrr! I cannot possibly post without a picture here's one from the Canine Energy archives!
Ha ha...of course it had to star Skip and myself!! See you all tomorrow...with pix I promise! ArooOOOooOOOo for now, Nina