Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Beautiful Summer Swims!

Today was the BEST! 6 cool dogs and me raging, playing, sniffing, rolling, swimming, peeing, yipping and loving life. Today's dream team were: Kayla, Cassius, Skipper, Spanks and Harmony and Ever bear. This pack was a tight posse of goooood times, and perfect behaviour! Here are the shots:
Ever, Spanks and Harmony fresh out the truck and time for a sniff!
Off we go! Playtime at last!
Ha! Check out Skip's grin! They were still buzzing with stoked energy as we bounced into the forests....such a good feeling to be part of a pack :) aroooo!
Noses down, tails up..Skips tail is like a plume of Pampas Grass...love it!
Yes it's blurry and Ever has no head but I love this shot...we were heading up to the lake and everyone was moseying along, it was so peaceful...ahhhhh!
Dip number 1...check out Kayla's pink tongue lolling!
Off to swim spot number two...
Kayla and her glowing orbs....
ahhh another blurry one, but Ever and I were swimming at this point! I dove in at first with them all which was awesome, then decided to try take some shots..so went in with the camera sticking up at the end of my arm and had to tread water to get a shot...didn't work so good, but was fun to try!

This one came out well though..Cassius is such a sweetheart, he seemed a little bemused to see me swim and didn't know wether to join me or dance on the bank! He did a little bit of both in the end! I had to put the camera back before I dropped it and we partied on for a good while before heading up for a mini climb around part of Crater Rim!
Shall we go? Huh? Shall we move on?! I got a very definite YES!
climb on doggies....!
Love the view of the lake here!
Aw look at the girls and Skip blinking in the sunlight!
Then a game of chase ensued...galloping dogs and laughing me, was soooo funny! Kayla,Ever and the Girls were very vocal and Cassius and Skip just tore round and round them tails up grinning. Ha! Love it!
Peakaboo Ever! I love this shot, it's like she has Elton John style tree sunnies!
Final dip on the opposite side of the lake before heading down the trails to home...
Back at the truck it's drinkies time! Ever as usual leaps in to join her friends, she has to ride up with me as like me her knees have their moments!
Group shot!
Another great day - see you all tomorrow! AroooOOOooooOOooooOOOo!
Parting shot...can ya guess who it is?