Sunday, July 4, 2010

Happy 4th July to our American Friends - and welcome to Bear!

Happy July 4th folks...and today we welcomed our new friend Bear to the Canine Energy family. He is a lovely boy, who after the first little while of walking to heel with us humans really came out of his shell and sniffed and played with the others and enjoyed investigating the new terrain! He was joined by Bosley and our other bear...Ever Bear! Ever's mum came out too and we had a great hike up to Loggers Lake where a high energy game of swim to the stick took place...and yes folks, Bosley almost swam!!! He's been dying to get in the water and always teetered on the edge, but today he was in and almost dipped his whole body under...but not quite. Next time I'm sure! Here are today's shots:
It starts with a big doggy grin and a sniff!
Aw look at that little face! Pleased to meet you Bear, you lovely boy!
Bosley and Ever proved perfect hosts to gently welcome him along ...and they were soon all good buddies. I love that about dogs...ya just gotta run about and sniff with them for a few minutes and your pals for life! I love Bosley's face in this shot...say cheeeeeeeeeeeese!
Heading up to the lake
Ever getting amongst it!
Playtime! check out bear's tongue!
Bosley furrows his brow as the others take a dip..."I'm not too sure, I wanna go in...but..."
Maybe I'll just put my head in...
 'atta Boy Bos-man...then the party started, dogs and splashing and excited yips everywhere!
Then ears-a-flapping we trotted on to the forests...
 Check out Bear leading the pack! The swim got his tail up and a spring in his step!
Bosley: "Hi Ever's mom...I haven't seen you for a while!"
Ever: "Huh...?!"
Bear: "Well that was a nice treat, can I stop sitting and go play soon?"
Then the sun came out...lovely!
Bear stops for a this shot of him. He is such a sweetheart and his tail was swinging well by this point!
Then we were back at the truck, and waiting for treats and a cuddle before home...what good doggies sitting nicely!
Ever looks all cute sitting with her Mum "My mommy love me and I love her too, and I get to ride up front, ha!!" See ya next hike folks, AroooOOooooOOo!