Today was cool; the light was a moody and eerie sun behind mounting storm clouds (that thankfully didn't amount to anything) and everything seemed quieter in the forests today as Ever, Kayla, Skip, Bosley and I flew round. We did hear the odd squirrel as ever, but no birds or planes flying was all muffled and we moved as a tight posse running along together, at times each with a randomly shaped stick in mouth, and had a good couple of stops to chill and splash in the racing creeks, where all 5 of us had our heads in to drink...slurping loudly and sneezing as the wonderfully cool water went up our noses! Here are the shots...
off we go noses down, tails swinging
Kayla almost pokes her eye out...I gently removed this one from her maw before she actually did!
Love this shot of Bos...doesn't quite capture the light but kinda eerie al the same, apart from his lolling tongue and doggy grin of course!
Deep in the trees we dissipated to mosey, sniff and have some time to contemplate whatever dogs contemplate when exploring alone...each dog in sight, it was cool to see their little heads pop up to make sure they could see me as I wound round the trails and they bounced over the moss...after 5 mins of this they came in again as the was a gentle ebb and flow today, and very cool to be part of!
On we go again...
Aw Bos you are such a sweetie with your squeaky yawns and your HUGE maw! Kayla in the background has a yap...
Ha haaa! We took a break on a rock, and Bos lay down panting I gave him a time out as the others palyed a LOUD game of stick...was fun, and kinda broke the 'misty mountain magic mood' a little but was very funny...go Ever! You want it? Huh? She says YES! NOW!
Bos Chills as the games commence...lovely boy!
Who's a happy girl then?! 2 seconds before this cracking shot of Ever she had her head deep into the rocks...probably a quivering small animal somewhere in there!
Catalogue man Skip strikes a pose...bit blurry but a Skip classic all the same!
Drinky poos!
Wow those Alders grow fast! You can just see Rainbow Glacier in the haze on the was slightly brighter in the Southern skies, whereas North...
Muggy warm and advancing..I love the weather patterns of the valley, could sit up here and hang with dogs watching it all day!
Dogs on rocks...lovely!
Down we go...
I love these guys so much! We have a little cuddle, treat, sit, and a drink and off we go...I had a raincoat over my head at this point as bug city was setting up in my hair...ahhhhh! The dogs seemed happy and content though, which is all I really care about! See you all tommorrow :) ArOOOOooooOOoooo!