Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Rainy Day Zen

I love rain, yes I am odd and...sure after more than a few hours it would be miserable, but to hike for a couple of hours in forests and trails it's relaxing, peaceful, and you feel like each breath you take is healthy and clean...if any of that makes sense!! Skipper, Kayla, Ever and her mum joined me today, and we moseyed round Parkhurst with varying amounts of rain falling on our heads! Not too many shots, rain and camera are not a good mix - but here is what I did get:
Noses down...tails up (unless you are Kayla then it's stick in mouth) and off we go!
Up we go - almost at the trail head...
...Must have been something small, furry and apparently tasty in there as Kayla and Skip did some forensic sniffing!
...mmmm what could it be Skip? Tail pluming, furry little jodhpur legs galloping about!
Into the forests we go!
Peakaboo Skip!
Over you go Ever...weeeeee!
Kayla takes a drink...look at her lovely shiny coat, I  love her flat paws too...they remind me in a way of bear feet, kinda splayed out. Dear doggy doo...I love her, such a sweetie pie!
We'll have to steer clear of this tree when the fall storms blow in...!
...none of us did!
Final shot...Skipper started a group gallop as he likes to do on a regular occasion...and round and round and round they went! Then the heavens really did open...so I put the camera deep in my pockets...and on we went! Three smelly wet tired and happy dogs will be asleep on their beds by now...and it's lunchtime for me, yipeeee! See ya next hike; ArOOOooOOOooOoooooOOOOOOO!