Thursday, August 26, 2010

Ramble On..!

My fave Zeppelin song as any regular readers will know, and once again the subject of a sweeeeet hike in our beautiful forests around Loggers. Bored somewhat with mooching the trails immediately around the lake, we galloped further afield to explore more riverside trails and sniffed about in some amazing old growth areas and played for a good while on a huge beach area beside the was goooood times, with three of my best dog buddies ever...Skipper, Kayla and Ever-bear. And we also bumped into a human friend of mine, with her two dogs right at the end of the hike, so a great dog party all round! Here are the shots:
Off we go! Ears flapping, tails swinging :)
Into the flowers...the Fireweed is dying off now, but still looks pretty
Ever and Skip say...Huh? We were running along and I stopped suddenly to 'capture' them galloping along trail, but had to fiddle to get the shot, so of course lost the 'mood' of it as they stopped to see what I was faffing about with! Ever's face cracks me up here...she's like, ' that is going to look soooo lame now, this shot is not worth it really...' Skipper is saying 'Oh do come on , we're on a roll here!' and Kayla is just foraging for the perfect pine cone to throw at my feet!
Play time!!! Just noticed the huge rock in Ever's maw...we should keep an eye on her teeth!
Kayla looks so cute here! She was in Kayla heaven...swimming and having sticks thrown for her!

Skipper had some bizarre project of his own going on here...!
And Ever gives me a sideways look to suggest that I put the camera away and keep playing already!
So we dug some holes together and barked a lot...ha ha I am laughing as I was so fun, I  LOVE this!
Skipper looks SOOOOOOO cute here!!
...As does Kayla...pretty girl! Ha ha - just noticed all the sand on her tongue...ew bet that tastes gross!
Got a pretty cool shor of Ever too...she finally sat still on a rock after playing her fizz out, and yes, I actually staged this one...she would never normally pose for long enough (unlike our male model Skip!) as she grumbles and gets bored! She was stoked here though, cookies are always a good way to bribe her - or me for that matter!!
Then it was time to stop buggering about and climb on...there were a bunch of trees down on this trail, so we skittered about on the bouncy forest litter, was so fun, and good for all our knees I should imagine!
Back on the road again...trotting for home...
Then we bumped into Chilli and Bean-Dog with their person!! They played about with the others and sat nicely at the truck for a photo with Ever, while Skip and Kayla loaded up and sat waiting for a treat before home and licking our faces as us humans chatted! Was a cooool hike as ever, with big goofy grins on all our faces..ArOOOOooooOOOoooOO!