Thursday, September 9, 2010

Feels Like Fall...

The air smells fresher and sharper, the leaves are just showing signs of turning, and it's all very beautiful with the sun lower in the sky casting a more yellow light compared to mid summer. Cassius, Ever, Duffy, and Nalla were hiking today. Nice to see you Nalla - it's been a while! Ever's mum came too, and we hiked our favourite loop around Loggers Lake, and played with the dogs, whilst talking about fall type things such as toast and jam (or Jelly...depends where you are from!) and how beautiful the forests are this time of year. Here are today's shots!
Aw Nalla...look at that little face!
...that's better, a big goofy dog grin. The above 'please give me a treat' face was so sad looking!!
Tails swinging, noses glued to the trail...apart from Cassius who was still in his dancing about mode!
mmmm....interesting aromas around this tree, some forensic sniffing going on here - must have been a recent squirrel!
Drinkies at the Lake...
...and still waters produced some awesome reflections..Ever looks pretty cute too here!
Playtime! Nalla swam round and round and round, with Cassius looking on just dying to go play, but not too sure about the depth of the lake. It really drops away right here.
Cassius then hung out with Ever, who after a brief dip spent her time yipping at us humans and galloping about with Cassius...these two are pretty cute together, each trying to be the herdsman..rounding each other up!!
...meanwhile, little Duffy here found himself some dirt..atta boy!!!!
A few more sniffs, Nalla finally came out of the lake much to the delight of Cassius...and on we went!
Moseying on...Ever and Duffy seemed tired by this point, (2 hikes in a row can do that!) whereas Nalla and Cassius trotted on ahead. 
Back at the truck it was time for a sit, drink, treat, cuddle and then home! Cassius looks miffed in this shot...I was trying to get a good shot and he felt like it was high time we had the treat bag opened! Good doggies, they were rewarded as soon as I took this!
Parting shot...nice tongue Cassius! See you next hike, AroooOOOOooooOOOo!