Thursday, January 27, 2011

The Girls!!!

...well what a treat! Spanks and Harmony came out to play and we had a good 3 hours romp round the Emerald Forest - we even had a spot of sunshine to complete a beautiful hike. The girls were on fine form and very much entertained human and dog alike as we ran into all sorts of doggy friends en route. Here are some shots :
 ...and they're off!!
 scampering is what they do best :)
 ...after a few circuits around the sports fields at Meadow Park we hit the Valley Trail. We ran into Mika, Axle, Ozzy, and a whole bunch of other doggies and much butt sniffing and yipping ensued...even got a cracking howl out of Mika, so good to see her after all this time, AroooOOOOooOOOo (and her mom too!)
 lots of exploring
 I LOVE the forests, so beautiful and peaceful in the trees...all you can hear is crunching of snow underfoot and the sniffs and squeaks of the girls investigating every smell and sound. I must admit we wandered off trail a little but soon found our way back, it was fun to explore :)
ha ha haaaa! There little faces look so cute! We leashed up for the end of the hike back on the Valley Trail just for a few minutes as there was a big white (but super friendly dog) that we met who was wearing a large black dog backpack which for some reason terrified the girls, they were so cute...and Harmony even ran the opposite direction for a few seconds as she just did not know what to make of it all. After some coaxing they were fine but you can really see the bemused expressions here, as if they are saying  "...what was that guy...he looked and smelled like a dog, but maaan there was something different about him!" I have never seem them scared so it was heart warming as well as funny. After posing for this shot we had treats and soggy dog cuddles and they soon bounced back to normal...the little sweethearts I just love them.
Well, that's all for now, until next time, arooooooOOOOOOOO!