Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Climbing up through the forest trails...

Today we were graced with the company of Spanky and Harmony - probably the funniest, cutest, cheekiest  Westies that I have ever had the pleasure to meet!! I have known Spanks for a while, but it was the first time for meeting Harmony. They are so much fun to be around and their never-ending good natured energy is a great addition to the pack.

Superchargers! They just gallop around and are so full of energy - even on the long uphill slog to 1040m!! I needed a break, they just kept going - so great to be around, Leslie and I pretty much laughed the whole way up :) 

We hiked around the beautiful forests and enjoyed the views and the sunshine filtering through the trees. We stopped for a rest at the top, and to enjoy the view and it looks like Bam-Bam had a little snooze in the sunshine..pictured below with Jayda, Billie-Jean, Harmony and me (about to search my pack for a much needed Mars Bar!)

Billie-Jean who has been joining us from WAG got a chance to hang out in the back of the truck for a little while before we headed off home - she is doing so well! We practiced walking her up and down the ramp, and while she is not yet ready to ride in the back with the others it is great progress for her:

Well that was another beautiful day hiking in the  mountains - until then...sniff sniff!!