Thursday, December 3, 2009

Icy Cold, and Fun!

Brrrr! We have an inversion meaning it is cooler in the valley than up in the  mountains! For some reason this seems to excite Bud and Ever, who bounced out the truck like puppies today! They seem to do everything in unison right now, rolling, sniffing, breaking ice and putting their heads in the hole...all sorts of funny antics that I could write pages about!! See below. we had quite the frost... This was a clump of mud I picked up!

Here are a few shots of Buddy and Ever hiking together in harmony...ha ha!

Ready to roll together - ahhh!

 ah, that was nice!

...and in the midst of it

 We then came through an area of deciduous trees that seems barren and bare after the green forests but still looks lovely and wintery. Check out our tree tunnel back into the green - behind the trees we could see snowy peaks in the sunshine, so beautiful however the camera never seems to capture the full essence of it, but you get the idea:

I love the drool that's worked up around Ever's mouth here...ha!
And then I was so busy enjoying the scenery that I fell over...the dogs bless them came galloping up and sat guard while I composed myself...
 Buddy and Ever watch over their patient! 

My foot in the middle of the shot indicates that I was lying star-fished out at the time of the photo...just to get a good shot, I was not actually hurt! Good to know I have some good friends to watch over me though :)

So that's all for this week, see you all Monday, aroooo!