Thursday, December 31, 2009

So much Fun!

Well what a way to send off the year 2009...we were accompanied by our new friend Lyric, and my husband Jeff today! I was stoked to be in the mountains with my best friends :) Here is Lyric, she is such a sweetie pie, and really fitted in well with the others, I love the way dogs just adapt, and go for it! She was a little tentative at first as she loaded the truck with a line of dogs staring at her, but as soon as she was in, she relaxed and they all got to sniffing each other by way of introduction. When we got to the trail, she was already part of the pack!
Pleased to meet you Lyric!

So having another human companion, I had a chance to just be a dog while Jeff snapped away, we had so much fun (the dogs and I that is, I think Jeff was bemused!) The shots below show us starting out, time for treats, then time to play! Ha! Good times! You can click on each shot to enlarge it :)

After running around with the dogs (we were back up Loggers today) I had a time out for them to play, and grabbed some more great shots before we had 'quiet time'  - I always do this before we resume on the trails, otherwise any fellow hikers would be bombarded by over-excited me, and a pack of dogs!

Ruby-roo and Ever bear in flight, Julia came with us this morning and is seen here in pursuit of her new best friend, Corona!

Here they are post romp! Love the snow on Corona's nose

And here we are at 'quite time' =  cuddles, maybe treats, and a little chat with each dog. I am so glad Jeff came along, as these are really nice intimate moments that I can never capture on camera!

We stayed out a little longer today, so hope all the hounds are tired out for you! After heading down to the truck, Jeff went off to find lunch and I took everyone back to their people...Chester hung out with me for a little longer, and rode shotgun up in the front where we listened to CBC, dropped dogs home, and generally had a nice time together with a sniff and a pee here and there at various spots around town,before it was time for him to return home too
No, I wasn't driving when I took this!

Well happy new year to one and all, may 2010 bring you all peace and happiness and goodwill to all men (and dogs!) See you all Monday :)