Monday, January 4, 2010

Riverside Fun

Well what a great holiday week..Ever, Ju and I blew the cobwebs away today and went for a jaunt up to the suspension bridge. We parked just off the highway to walk the 'olympic torch' lit path into the forests. I wanted Ever to walk side-by-side with Ju and work on her self control and manners...she did very well, and Julia was a great companion setting her a solid example! Ever is not bad, just gets a little too hyperactive (like me) and finds it hard sometimes to have self control (no comment...) so Julia's stoic on-leash attitude was perfect!
good girls!

We then headed into the forest, where Ever was un-leashed and Ju was long-lined...although it seemed today that she wasn't on it - she was so attentive! She instigated play with Ever (as she does with her sudden leaps) and at first Ever was like "...what! I normally do that first...!" and just stared at her, then after a couple of minutes Ju tried again, and bingo! Playtime! So funny, both were squeaking at yapping as they played, and Julia is usually pretty quiet.
Time to dance...then 'sit' - it's treat time!

Then we headed to the suspension bridge...which is always fun, especially as Ever is a tad worried about it. Both dogs, had a moment to look at the Cheakamus raging below, then trotted on. At the centre I made some futile efforts to get all three of us and the river (which is beautiful amongst the snow and ice) in the shot, but soon gave up after getting headless dogs or boogley-eyed me with just an ear or tail of each dog can imagine the scene! Then Julia told me she had waited long enough to get going, and would I please quit faffing around and get moving - so on we went!

...watching the river

Then we headed home, stopping for a sniff  and a play on the way, but mainly just trotting along today. Higher temps mean no raging on frozen lakes today, we got some good distance training instead!

Pausing for an interesting smell...

Another great day in the forests with my pals...back on Weds, bye for now!