...no, nothing spectacular, I was thinking more in reference to the movie...we all trotted along, sniffing, exploring, the odd random play through thick forests, across rivers and down icy roads...was a fun hike today, with misty mountain tops and gloomy forest trails - felt like we were on some kind of mission!
...then I decided I needed some light, so we popped out onto the fsr, sat for a couple of minutes to sniff noses, have a snack, roll on our backs in the crunchy snow (yes me included, ha ha!) then carry on our way. This seemed to lighten the mood as Skipper, in his special way suddenly sprang into straight-legged lamb jumps, yipping at the others who responded with such energy, I stopped and laughed and whipped out the camera...they are SO FUNNY! Spanks and Harmony, Ever and Skip are all very different dogs, but their play methods are the same, high energy, yipping and barking, wheeling around, sprinting up the road then back to bounce at my feet...I just love it! Here are a few shots...owners can well imagine the scene - wish you all could have shared it with me!
Galloping off...
galloping back...
wheeling round!
I love love love them so much, they really make any day so fun, and each hike is unique - and yet each hike I am tittering to myself at their antics. Dogs rule. And for a parting shot, I just love the way Spanks and harmony greet and bid me farewell, furry faces at the window! (Note to mum, no jackets today...too warm!) - Remember you can click on each shot to enlarge :) Aroooo for now!