Wednesday, February 17, 2010

It's Gonna Be a Bright Sunshiney Day...!

Beautiful day...if we can't have 30cms of fresh pow lets at least have sunshine! A lovely hike with chilled out dogs, and Julia's Aunty and I as human companions...our crew today were Sadie, Tao and Jake, Mugs, Rudy, Skip and of course the lovely Julia. They were all pretty chilled out, Tao especially seemed tired today and there were only a couple of spontaneous gallops...instigated of course by Skip, and Rudy if I remember correctly! We kept it simple today...up an fsr, round into the edge of the forest trails, another loop here, and playtime there...then home. Lots more to sniff now the snow seems to be dissipating at lower elevations...sticks and foliage make for interesting investigations! Top marks to all dogs too, as we encountered a rare vehicle...a chap looking for places to hike. They were awesome! Skip and Rudy went for a bark, but came back to sit with the group without too much effort..and nobody barked at him or scrabbled his truck paintowork when he rolled the window to chat to us...good doggies! So here are the shots from today...
trotting out into the sunshine...and having a good sniff; seemed to set the scene today!

Climbing up in the lovely sunshine...ahhhhh feels gooooood!
Milling about over the bridge

Ju and Rudy-Rudester enjoy a luxurious roll!

Sadie soaks up the sun

Good company, Good Dogs, Good photo ops!

Time to head down...Mugs having some chill time on leash training, while we mosey on down hill to the truck

Tao says...see you all soooon, and er...please can I have a treat?

Another lovely day, if a little languid - no digging holes or mad barks today. We strolled along, having the odd roll and many a forensic sniff at the most interesting of snow mounds, or twigs, or emerging undergrowth, get the picture. Was a nice change. I love that every day is different, and that one minute we can be all relaxed, the next having a gallop, the next sitting dear doggy friends! Bye for now, aroOOOooOoooo!