Starting out
Leslie and Louise getting amongst it!
Our crew today included, from South to North in terms of homes...Bosley, Ever, Spanks and Harmony, Julia, Finn, Sadie, Jake and Tao, Kayla and Mugs, and finally Middy, the newest woofer who belongs to Louise, who will shortly be Whistler's newest dog groming this space, we will keep you all posted!!!
We started out with our steady climb, to let all dogs have a good sniff and for Julia to do her shuttle run style playing before heading into the forest. Fresh snow, rising temps, wet animals all round, sun shining..ahhhhhh lovely.
Go get 'em, Ju!
Dogs in the forest...we had a god poke about as I was looking for a shortcut to a different trail, didn't find it but it was great to get off the beaten track :)
Big smile from Tao, and Ju and her new best friend Mugs share a stick! They trotted about for ages together!
Louise gets some doggy love, an Aroooo from Fin,...and a jolly good barking from Kayla!
Then it was time for home...a great hike, good company and cool dogs..see you all tomorrow, arooOOOooo!