Wednesday, March 31, 2010

A snowy climb then spring forest fun!

Another beautiful day in dogland, we climbed up, played, ran down, and moseyed through the forests together. Today's hike was super chilled out, with Billie and Nuki (correction from yesterday's Yuki!) providing the high energy, while the rest of us enjoyed the spring day quietly trotting along. No mad rages was time to chiiiiiill out after the past few days of mad galloping!
Starting with a sunny sniff we have Billie-Jean from WAG on the longline, Wicky and Jackets, Nuki and Danny in this shot.
 Dear Jackets takes a break - little sweetheart, I am such a suck for this dog!!
 Madison joined us today, and she is here chilling with Billie and her dog Danny, good to see ya guys - watch this space for more from this duo!!
Wicky waits...we then climbed down to the winding forest trails, where Wicky waits patiently for us all to catch up - he was our lead dog today, so awesome. If I couldn't see him I would call his name andhis little face would pop up over rocks, or out of some bushes...what a good boy!
Anyone for a dip? Yes folks the ice has finally melted from this little pool completely, and Billie tooke her apparently first tentative steps in for a cute, look at her face! Danny showed her the ropes, we think she will be a huge swimming fan as she gets more used to the water :)
Another beautiful day folks! The snow up there is epic, the spring down here is time of year right now!
After a forest ramble, we popped out onto the wider and still snowy trail home, good times all, see ya tomorrow!!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Winter Spring Awesomeness!!

Woooooo we were hit with the beautiful white stuff today...awesome hike (another BEST EVER actually) with super floofy pow under foot in open areas, and cool mossy forested sugar coated sprinkles of snow forests under the tree much. fun! We also had a super cool new friend join us today, Yuki is a 13month old Husky X and HE IS SOOOOO ADORABLE! (Yes I shouted that) he fitted in perfectly with the pack, the ultimate player, sniffer, comes as soon as you even think about calling his name, so awesome. He was also super polite with the others as they loaded the truck, really submissive making me initially think he may get picked on by the big boys but I think he was just saying 'hey...I am the newbie, be nice to me...' because as soon as he left the truck he ripped around and played and is a real asset to our pack!
  Pleased to meet you Yuki, ya beautiful 'ol blue eyes!
Joining Yuki today was Kayla, Finn, Skipper, Indy-bindy, and Bosley - and they all loved the snow, dancing and yiiping in it the minute they exited the truck...I felt mean making them sit quivering and squeaking with excitement until they were allowed to go play, rather like us waiting for the Alpine lifts to open on a bluebird pow day! Anyhoo - here are today's shots:
Kayla gallops in the winter pow, Indy sniffs in the spring forests!
Finn, Indy and Skip share a gallop with Yuki weeee!
Playing on the woodwork
moseying alongside the beautiful snow trees and rock
Kayla makes sure I am keeping up with the pack!
...then off we go again! Bos leading the way, Finn, Skip and Yuki with Kayla and Indy just out of shot, watching dogs wind round switchbacks is so funny!
check out the Skunk Cabbage flower from last Thurs's opening out trooping through the snow!
ha ha - Skipper and Indy (bro and sis) think the camera is me offering treats, bless!
Then it was into the deep stuff...weeeee! I was having as much fun as the woofers here, we all ended up in a big furry heap rolling in it!!
Sooooo deep!
Almost back at the truck, and the sun bursts through...lovely :)
...I spun round and shot the glistening trees, another awesome hike folks - see ya tomorrow!
 parting shot: dear Finn, such a sweetie, he was full of Aroooooooo's today!

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Great Saturday!


Jasper and Bos

Bosley always sits right there!

Lovin the snow

Doing a little agility...

This is Smudge's spot- she likes to watch from above.


So photogenic!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

The BEST hike EVER!

Yeah I know, I always come out with that one, but today was the best, really...I was in my element in mossy rocky rainy forests with 5 cool dogs, and they were just loving life and galloping together as a pack for over 2 hours! I am so tired as we literally ran, rolled, dug, and played the whole time. And Theo, oh man, don't know what he had for breakfast but he was on fire! I was watching him on the longline for the first few minutes and noted that he was paying attention to me and following the other dogs, then coming back to me in the awesome way they all I let him off and he erupted into cool old-man-dog energy that blew me away - even leaping over logs with the others! SO much fun...we all had the best time ever and I hope the dogs are as tired out as I am!! Today's rockstars were Theo and Kayla, Rudy, Jayda and are the shots: :)
 Galloping from the word go!
Love this shot...dogs and trees. The energy was awesome, the whole forest feeling excited as dogs popped in and out of the trees and I ran snapping away with the camera!
Climbing up
Playing on the woodwork...
Theo the Spring Lamb - look at him go!!
Happy hounds waiting for a treeeeeeeat!
As we wound along the trails we found way more snow in more open areas which at first I thought was odd but then I guess we must have been in more sheltered terrain that does not get as much sun? As I was pondering this the dogs were dancing around as a bit of an experiment I just dropped to the floor and did not move...they were so cute, noses and licks all over my eyes (trying to open them?!) and Kayla barked and barked and put fir cones over me in case I should wake up and want to play...was cool, and good to know that they would be there if I should keel over one day!
I couldn't lay still for long so much to Kayla and Theo's delight I leaped up and threw a couple of snowballs for them!
Then onwards and upwards!
Love this shot of Kayla...I was just about to snap a shot of the first Skunk Cabbage flower I saw of the season...and she put her nose right on it, bonus!!
Jayda has a splash about
Heading for home the pace at last slows down a bit, I was sweating!
Soon enough the truck came into view
Chillin' in the truck and the end of the BEST hike ever...! See you all soon, ArOOOOOooooOOOOOO!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Black and Tan Dog Day

Ha ha - we had Wicky and Jackets today, along with Bosley and Rudy, the black n' tan clan! We had a peaceful romp around a number of different trails today, I was bored with the same 'ol routes so we mixed it up a bit.
 The black n' tan clan get started on our hike with a snowy climb

They started out forensic sniffing, especially as grassy areas are cropping up, and we went for a snowy climb before heading into beautiful forests...don't get me wrong, I am a snow monkey like the rest of this town, but it felt reaaaaalllllly good to have solid rock under my feet - almost time to get the bikes out! (Pemberton is good to go btw if anyone is interested)
 Treat time - Bos looks so cute!
Did someone drop a biscuit...? Bos and Jackets are such droolers! Esp Bos, it comes out in thick gloops like a bullock waiting at the gate for his hay!
Also got some great mugshots of Rudy and Wicky below -  post biscuit of course!

 So they trotted and sniffed, and Bos, Wicky and the Rudester had awesome playtimes..,Jackets was hanging out with me after her mum reported she had seemed a little stiff that morning, although she was apparently treated to a mama massage - it seemed to work! Must have got the circulation going well :)
 Bos, Wicky and Rudy enjoying an uphill gallop while Jackets climbs steadily on her way

We played for ages in the forest - it was so nice not to be sliding about to be honest and I was dancing about the trails with them snapping away with the camera as I ran (should probably just focus on my footing - 4 legs must be way easier!). The light was awesome with green trees and moss contrasting with the rocks and the dogs...gooood times again today!
Exploring a squeaking Squirrel that soon held it's tongue with these two in pursuit!
Wanna break the ice Bos?
More forest climbing, Jackets and I close behind
 Wickey chews a fallen tree - that isn't going to come with us Wicket!
The hounds enjoy the view as I climb up after them
Almost home - can you spot Rudy's little face poking through the trees? You may have to click on the shot to enlarge - it was so cool; dogs popping out from behind trees just making sure I was still there! Makes a girl feel wanted :) my husband tends to just holler at me from his location usually waaaay ahead!!
Back on the more open snowy trails Jackets and I change direction on the others instigating a good gallop about! Another super fun day - see you all tomorrow! AroOOOOoooOOO!