The black n' tan clan get started on our hike with a snowy climb
Treat time - Bos looks so cute!
Did someone drop a biscuit...? Bos and Jackets are such droolers! Esp Bos, it comes out in thick gloops like a bullock waiting at the gate for his hay!
Also got some great mugshots of Rudy and Wicky below - post biscuit of course!
So they trotted and sniffed, and Bos, Wicky and the Rudester had awesome playtimes..,Jackets was hanging out with me after her mum reported she had seemed a little stiff that morning, although she was apparently treated to a mama massage - it seemed to work! Must have got the circulation going well :)
Bos, Wicky and Rudy enjoying an uphill gallop while Jackets climbs steadily on her way
We played for ages in the forest - it was so nice not to be sliding about to be honest and I was dancing about the trails with them snapping away with the camera as I ran (should probably just focus on my footing - 4 legs must be way easier!). The light was awesome with green trees and moss contrasting with the rocks and the dogs...gooood times again today!
Exploring a squeaking Squirrel that soon held it's tongue with these two in pursuit!
Wanna break the ice Bos?
More forest climbing, Jackets and I close behind
Wickey chews a fallen tree - that isn't going to come with us Wicket!
The hounds enjoy the view as I climb up after them
Almost home - can you spot Rudy's little face poking through the trees? You may have to click on the shot to enlarge - it was so cool; dogs popping out from behind trees just making sure I was still there! Makes a girl feel wanted :) my husband tends to just holler at me from his location usually waaaay ahead!!
Back on the more open snowy trails Jackets and I change direction on the others instigating a good gallop about! Another super fun day - see you all tomorrow! AroOOOOoooOOO!