It started with a sniff...
Then a mosey along
Then the tails came up...and the trotting became like water molecule demos from science class - you know, where they show you them boiling...all wibbly wobbly movements except this time represented by dogs!! Yes I think I am mad...:)
Then the (dog) Games began! Julia and Jayda bow...and they are off!
Finn high-fives Jayda over Jaspers rump, Skip dances in for the stick! (Actually, Finn was trying to er...mount Jasper, but was a very good boy and dismounted immediately when asked!)
Taking a brief breather...
Then off they went again!
Then Kayla leads the way as we head into the forest in a controlled fashion!
And off we went again!
Then after I called them in...we carried on our merry way...
...where we climbed a bridge....
...and Ju and Finn disdainfully watched Jasper who was having a lovely time...
...splashing in the water!
So naturally we went searching for more...
Then the galloping began again - this time Jayda and Julia were the instigators!
...It was then time for a rest and to calm ourselves (above and below) - good doggies!
Then before long it was time to head for pictured of my spontaneous butt-slide, I was barely holding it together but it was SO FUN! If any owners fancy a group toboggan I am sooo down, dog-bogganing anyone?!
Moseying home...
Once back in the truck it was time for cuddles and a treat for each, and to give Julia goodbye kisses...she and her family are off home tomorrow....but we look forward to seeing them later in the Spring!
Enjoying the last cheese snack...gonna miss yo Julia!
The crew hang out while I snap another shot, then time for home. A great day, full of belly-laughs from me and yips, howls, licks, aroooo's and sniffs from the dear you all SO much! Safe travels home Ju xxxxxx