Monday, March 22, 2010

Galloping Westies!

Well today it was just me and two galloping Westies...Spanky and Harmony joined me for just over 2 hours worth of forestry exploration! It was so fun, and a great way to ease into the week - with a big pack heading out tomorrow (Spanks and Harmony included) today was small dog fun day, where all my attention was on the girls!

Off we go down the Valley Trail, past the deserted day lots (party's over now folks!) and at last into the glorious trails!
 We trotted along the Zappa trails, which were totally snow free in some places!
 ...and enjoyed noisy playtimes and raucous gallops in the patches of snow we did come across.
Enjoying a roll...
 ...then a kiss and no, I was not bribing her with food in my hand either...the little sweetheart!
Hey girls...who wants a treat?! These girls are AWESOME...the minute I stopped or said their names or even changed trails on them they were right there, they are the funniest little dogs to hang out with and I LOVE them! We had the best time and I probably seemed like a mad woman chattering to them the whole time, but who cares...dogs rule!

I love this shot. beautiful trees and rock to explore
 Having a good old sniff with a lovely mountain view...the larger trails were more snow packed so we varied our time winding through the technical single track and popping out into the main trails to enjoy a snowy sniff and for me to get my bearings (lost? me?...never!!  ha ha)
We also gave the local squirrel population a good run about (and I believe I was somewhere on Donkey Puncher trail for this shot!)
And we finally moseyed on back towards home, the girls having galloped enough that their tails were carried straight in line with their backs  - my only indication that they may be tired as normally the tails are poking up or propelling them along! As we passed Austria House we saw a whole bunch of TV cameras and suited people...must have been visiting dignitaries - I had half a mind to wander past the cameras with the girls, but decided that we may get told we trotted on to Lorimer where we played in a puddle and leashed up for home!
Aw look at their little faces! Good girls!!
They had a slurp from a puddle while I played about with photos..I won't post them all but it was quite fun!
Then it was time for home...the girls were slowing down and I was really hungry...mission accomplished! The perfect end to a fun hike! See you all back in the mountains with the gang tomorrow, ArOOOOOooooOOOO!
Spanky says '...see you tomorrow, yaaaaaay!'