Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Soggy Dog Day!

Wow...don't you just love the temperate Coastal Mountain weather...? I actually do, it would be boring if we had the same 'ol thing, and hailing from England I am totally used to rain, and boy did it rain today! We had a couple of humans, two trucks and 9 soggy doggie doo's enjoying the day: Jayda, Bosley, Jake, Sadie, Tao, Wicket, Jackets, Maggie and Kayla...goooood times! 

Starting out with the dogs dotted about taking care of their morning just out the truck routine of pee poop and a good sniff as they mill about and blow the cobwebs away

Still milling about as we reach the bridge over the creek...the pack are tightening up though, personal sniffing moving more towards our dog posse pack mode!

The faster dogs wait at the trail junction for us all to catch up, and dear Tao was bringing up the rear today, very much in his own time, however, he was still grinning (ref yesterday's post!) and was just taking his time...Sadie was so cute, she kept running back to make sure he was still with us all, and after a little while he did warm up and pick up some speed. The others are so good, if I stop and wait, they come trotting back to ask what we are waiting for and sit quietly or have a play until we all move on together...love it. Even Maggie who has just joined us, and like Bos can be a little impatient mills about tail waving until we have regrouped...graduating from the longline today she was AWESOME! The minute you start to call her name she is right back at your feet - what a good girl!
Tao catches up...atta boy!
Maggie has a glorious roll!

It was then time to run about in the squishy snow, we had a great playtime, and more snowballs to allow Tao a little rest and let the others rip it up...by this point it was torrential rain, but the vibe was awesome and it was pretty warm...feels kind of fun actually when the blood is up!
Go get it!!  I love Wicket's face, he is so cute here, having a dance with Kayla who was loving life today...weeeee! Check out Bosley in the background, he's poking his tongue out at us all...
...probably because Jake keeps catching all the snowballs!
Then it was time to carry on the hike, where the tiring dogs trotted along together in line...mission accomplished from the human perspective...fun, bonding, and the post play line up!!
There was still some fuel in the tank, especially for Bos and Maggie, who were galloping about together investigating squirrel squeaks and forest noises...note Sadie in the above shot, she was trotting back to check on and join Tao, who with Jackets was trotting at my heels..bless! Tao gets the dogged determination award for today's hike, he kept trucking on, even though he was a little tired...atta boy!
 Sadie joins the tail guides at the back!
It was then time to head back down, Kayla rallied the troops with a rousing flurry of barks as we hiked back down, I had a zip-lock today to protect the camera, and I love the floating clouds in this shot, as well as all the soggy doggy's of course!!
We carried on our merry way with Wicky and Bos leading the pack of happy but bedraggled dogs trotted back to the truck, ahhhhh good times!
Muddy paws all round! The best fun towel-dry award goes to Jake, Sadie and Tao...who are SO fun to dry off...yes really! It's cuddles and wuffs of joy as they dance around in the towel and it actually turned into a group bundle on the floor - ha! I was soaked but it was so fun, dear doggies :)
The bravery award goes to darling Jackets, who heard a blast from the WB avvy control and literally flew into my arms quivering...after a couple of minutes looking skyward and walking under my feet she chilled out and continued to enjoy herself...dear Jackets, again I was soaked through from cuddles, but I wouldn't change it for the world! I love the above shot, she's grinning like Tao does!
And finally the Iron-dog award goes to Bosley, who somehow managed to traverse a wet, muddy, unstable slope to investigate a squirrel squeak! He's a big boy, and sure footed as an Ibex! Yay Bos!!

See you all next time...ArOOOOOoooOOOOO!