Monday, March 15, 2010

Sunshine and Spring Snow!

What a beautiful day folks! We had a new friend join us today, Maggie, a flappy eared energetic lovely girl...she bonded with the gang immediately and was a super good girl, playing nicely with the crew and having a great time. Today we had the sibs Skipper and Indy - together at last and lovely to see them both at the same time, Jayda, Jake, Sadie, Tao and of course our new friend Maggie!
 Pleased to meet you Maggie!
Skipper and Indy with their pluming tails waving gently,  sniff noses and acknowledge each cute

Having a good sniff, noses down, tails up!
 Having a jolly good play...
 ...and a jolly good bark! ArOOOOOOooOOOOO!
Then it was time to explore the forests...lovely. The temps warmed up and it was literally raining on our heads, so we ran, and ran...kept the blood up and it was soooo fun! I felt like I was one of them, galloping about the trails all yipping happily :)
The sun was shining through as the snow dripped all over us, the forests were was so beautiful as we wound round the trails...there was the lovely ebb and flow of dog hiking where we run, sniff, pee on things in a line one after the other (I declined that part) then go off for another gallop together. The dogs all bonded so well for the whole hike today, sticking together as one..LOVE it!!
I love this shot...the camera was pretty soggy by this point (my Goretex was about as effective as a chocolate teapot at this stage) but still managed to snap a couple of them emerging into the full sun...beautiful! The poor camera gave up for a bit after this...and Forrest Gump style '...we just raaaan...' SO fun, I was exhausted!!
 We eventually made it back to the truck...soaking wet and panting but with big grins all round (yes folks, the dogs can grin!)
...see Tao gives us a huge grin! Unfortunately he barged right across Indy's path while smiling for me, she looks miffed, but I still love this shot!
Another awesome day in dog land - see you all tomorrow!!