Two new friends joined us for a hike today, with two old friends Jayda and Indy for a lovely Sunday romp in the forests! Meet Bruce, a 14 year old Korean Jindo...and such a gentleman! He was awesome, and hiked well for a chap of older years...he also joined in the fun with the odd dance, bark and Arooooo!
Then we have the lovely Macy...a fantastic dog from Whistler Dog Adventures, who paid us a visit today, and she was awesome! A Golden Doodle (I love the 'oodle' variations) great pack dog, full of bounce and with a lovely plume of a tail that propelled her along as she played with the others!
Check out that fantastic tail!!
So we headed out into the forests to enjoy the snow and have a good sniff and play...Indy was the instigator for random gallops (like her bro Skipper) and they galloped round and round and round! Bruce by request was on a long line but he still managed a good play, stopping at times to watch the younger dogs fly about...he and I had a good couple of rests today...lovely!
Time for a splash about...except if your name is Bruce or Nina...he does not like the water it seems and I wasn't that thirsty! We found a creek to the side that was much more to his taste :) more of a trickle...I guess he is not a great swimmer!
Then it was time to head on out..Indy waits patiently for us slow coaches to catch up! She was still full of fizz where the rest of us were mellowing out by this point!