Thursday, March 11, 2010

Winter Returns...Yesssssssssssssss!

POW! And how beautiful it is too...we literally exited the truck (in our controlled and calm Canine Energy fashion with ramp down truck open....wait....ok!') then we erupted rolling, sniffing, running, yipping and dancing in it...and that was just me! I was joined by the lovely Kayla, Bos, Rudy, Jayda and Jasper.
 Hooray for snow!

We galloped, then sat...then moseyed along enjoying the return of winter :)
Jasper dragged this huge stick around for ages, it was very impressive work seeing as we were winding through trees and climbing at the same time - I got it in the back of the knees one too many times though, so we found him a more suitable length!
Kayla has a good bark while Jasper plays with his more suitably sized stick!
Bosley and Rudy off exploring...
...while Jayda and Jasper romp around in the floof!
more forensic sniffing from the others!
 I just love Jasper's facial expression here..I feel like I have asked a grandfather to stop smoking his pipe and doing the crossword and to come play with me's kind of a just disturbed look, as if he says 'What..? oh if I must!'
Baffled at the bridge as we climbed higher - ha ha!
...they learned fast!
After a few more group gallops and sniffs it was time to go home...and all too soon the truck came into sight. We moseyed up to it...sat inside and had treats and cuddles then home.  Goood times my friends :)
Moseying to the truck - see you tomorrow, aroooooooo!