Sunday, May 9, 2010

Saturday- feels like spring is really here!

Today really feels like Spring is here! In the shade it is super cold but in the sun it is super hot! The smell of spring is in the air...
We have a new member with us Roxy...our cute little Portuguese Water Dog! She's 4 and it was like unleashing a kid on candy today. She was a bit nervous to start but check out the video below- she was loving life today!

Danny and Jayda are like twins. They do everything together and the same way. Danny ventures off to the perimeter and so does Jayda. They ran all over today and wore themselves out so much! When we got to our small snow patches, they were so pooped and Roxy was raring to go! Roxy was very respectful in staying closer to me today rather than following the 2 adventurers..

Roxy bolted to the first bit of snow we found!
Galloping back and forth- they all got along great.
Caught her in the air!
Second patch of snow...

Views from above...looking towards Pemberton.

These two were so worn out, I swear they are twins, don't you think?

Roxy looking cute as ever...

My man, Dan

Jayda hiding in the water before getting to the truck. I like this shot.