starting out, ears flapping running up into the sunshine!
Beautiful view of dogs and it!
Say cheeese please :)
Ha ha ha ha ha! Skip and Finn dance in a rare patch of snow...they loved it! Four galloping, rolling, snuffling dogs and me laughing my head off. Skip, as ever delivers the shot of the day here!
then on we ran...
into the forests...lovely sniff of moss and...well whatever else they can smell!
Skip takes a break after we had some woodwork to negotiate...then another gallop ensued as we heard a squirrel doing it's squeaky thing....lets go!
Jayda hanging out on a stump...was looking at me all cute, but by the time the shutter clicked she was heading off to investigate more interesting things!
dear Kayla...I love this shot for some reason (check out her smart Canine energy 'biner too)
Then Finn gave a 'dog calender' pose for another beautiful shot! I love it! We run, play, then take a break and have mini photo shoots!
Then it was time to go home...I could have spent all day with them, so fun out there! See you all soon, AroooOOOooooooO!