Deep dark woods...
...and off we go!
Pausing for a rest, tongues lolling...I had shed most of the Gore-Tex at this point...raging in forests is quite the work-out!
ha ha - so the above shots are of some Skunk Cabbage wrestling...they started out wallowing and sniffing, then Willow and Jayda began exhuberant play, totally covering themselves in grime...
...Willy becomes a Chocolate Lab...
...Jayda scarpers...
...and Sadie looks a little bemused by all the shenaigans! She galloped with them for a bit, but they were running tighter and tighter corners and she must have just thought '..well stuff that, I am too old for that nonsense!...'
...then off we went again! If anyone had seen us they would have thought me totally mad...galloping and chattering away to the dogs and laughing my head off....ha! Love it :)
Every now and then I change direction on trail - especially when they are in such a raucous mood, it keeps them paying attention to their leader! And in this case galloping back for a soggy cuddle and a wee bit of biscuit!
Time for a bath! Or in Willow's perception..Time to fly in water after cool stick!
Sadie as ever gives me that look of '...we do love her but she is such a silly person...' Love this shot, Sadie you are tooooooo cute! Another awesome day, so we did not get yesterday's sunshine, but we did get dirty and had a good gallop...perfect! See ya next time - ArOOOooooOOOOO!