Monday, June 7, 2010

A Tale of Sunshine and Mixed Terrain

Woooo it's good to be back on hound duty! Skip, Finn and Jayda joined me for a rage round the trails today, we had a sweet hike with mixed terrain, some leash time, some full tilt gallops, and some time rolling in the sunshine then splashing in creeks and lakes....I am a dog in human clothing, and it feels gooooood! Here are the shots:
It started with a sniff and some light refreshment...
Jayda was looking all 'dog calender' at me but then the *tink*of a golf swing caught her attention away from the camera! C'est la vie, still a cool shot though :)
Off we trotted, heading for the hills
It only seemed polite to leash through Nik' we minced though minding our own business, what good doggies!
once clear of humans in golf tweeds and sun visors I suggested we stop, sit, smile, and enjoy a treat before venturing on.
Gooooooood dogs! (more distant *tink* noises...)
Up we go...
'...hmmm, I get a bouquet of oak infused with wet fern..' 
...wallowing to cool off. I love the skunk cabbage leaves, so lush
...then it was time to gallop!!! Jayda was the instigator today!
...still going...
then on we went, the stoke temporarily quelled!
Aw look at that little face, sooooooo cute Skipper!
...can Dogs climb trees? - Nope, but Skip tries! Someone has left a bone just out of reach
...I let them circle it a few times before getting them the bone, was mean not to!
ahhhh! where's Skip's head?! Ha ha, we had fun galloping about some more in the lovely sunny forests before making a move back down to the truck
tongues lolling time to head home...
via another splash in the lake! 
LOVE this shot! The dogs had loaded and I was faffing about with leashes and treats while they looked on from the back of the truck. Finny was standing over me watchin every move, whilke the other two had expectant faces on waiting for their final piece of biccy and a cuddle. See ya next time, ArOOOOOooOOOOO!