Brrrr! Another cold one today, a good way to work off all that turkey :) We had 3 new friends join us, and we walked up to Loggers lake, starting with a nice wide fsr, so I could get to know everyone before venturing into the woods! Smudge, Corona, and Chester joined us!
Corona leads the way, with Ever, Skip, Smudge and Chester following on our chilly start up the fsr!
Here is a bit about each of our new friends:
Corona is a top dog! She comes, plays, and sits nicely and is so pretty! She was super timid at first this morning, but as soon as we unloaded the truck, her tail went up and she romped and played beautifully before trotting out eagerly along the path. The minute I mention her name, her ears prick up and she comes to sit on my feet - what a good girl!
Smudge, is a Very Small Animal (any Winnie the Pooh fans out there?!) and is a very good girl indeed. She also looked very cute her winter jacket! Smudge is so affectionate and played very well with the other dogs, a great addition to the crew!
Look at those puppy-eyes!
And then we have Chester...he is adorable! He also had a smart winter jacket, and was on leash today while I gauged his interest in Squirrels! He was such a good boy - although he is super high energy, we worked on calm times with treats and affection along the journey and he seemed to be a super fast learner! He is a smart dog that's for sure, and was great with all the other dogs too. He also has amazing ears...super furry flapper types that feel lovely on a cold day!
Pleased to meet you Chester!
So we hiked and played, and made our way up to the lake. Skipper went on a longer than usual Squirrel barking session, and remarkably the others took no notice! Skip is a good boy though and always comes flying back - today he looked a little sheepish as he knew he had been longer...a smart dog though, and always in sight and I make sure I am always in earshot. I have known Skip a long time and we work well together, so for the rest if the hike I worked on him, keeping him busy and in step with us all. I think a new route is on the cards next hike, his mum said that he gets to be a smarty pants and learns our routes thinking he can bark up trees and just pop out on trail when he is ready! I always pick my trails based on a combination of weather and who I have on that day's hike, so we will head North for the next Skipper walk - give him a change of scenery!
Trotting along...then..a 'planned distraction' to keep the pack close!
Skipper and Corona heard their names, and we all investigated a 'very intersting stump' after I had called them all in. If any other humans were about I would look like a mad-woman, but being a dog is pretty fun in the forests...always something to sniff at! So after a brief play at the lake (no photo's - busy belaying Chester!) we trotted home, each dog content with the morning's work. There is a great spot, a clearing in the woods just before we reach the truck, and here we spent a few minutes quietly having cuddles and I had a moment with the new friends to tell them how good they had been. I was just giving Ever and Skip bear hugs when Smudge gave a squeak and she looked a bit chilly - she gave a me look that said, '...please may we go indoors now, and I would quite like to ride up front with you...' so I obliged, and loaded up the others before scooping her up to ride with me - my little furry side-kick!
Then it was time to take the lovely Julia for an afternoon play - Corona came along, and after waiting in traffic full of holiday skiers I decided that Ever could come along too - save trucking around Whistler. So we collected Ju, and headed for the golf much .fun! We walked on leash round the perimeter to get the fizz out of Ju-Ju, then out into the open snow for a romp! Surface hoar was developing and the snow made lovely swooshing noises as we played :)
What good girls they are! Ju-Ju, Ever and Corona trotting along together...I was stoked!
I love the ebb and flow of dog-play...romping around one minute...then off for a sniff the next! Amazingly we had the golf course to ourselves...must have been good timing as there is usually a few more folks roaming about!
Here is Ju in flight!
Then it was time for home, and three tired dogs, and one tired human trotted back to the truck...what an awesome day!
Even though Julia is blinking, I love this shot - it was captured just as a car with small dogs and kids showed up in the lot before we left, making us all jump! Ever jumped, Corona looked worried, Ju blinked and I funny, and such good girls. We stayed with the canopy open for a couple of minutes after that, just for good practice. Off for steaks and potatoes now with my husband, input some more energy for tomorrow :)...See you all tomorrow! Aroooo!