Thursday, February 11, 2010

Big Dogs and Little Dogs

Well we had the smallest of the small, to the biggest of the....big? Terrible English but you get the gist! Good crew today from wee little Teddy to big boy Bosley, with Indy and Skipper, Kayla, Ju-Ju, Ella, Spanks and Harmony in between.
Little Teddy. Big boy Bosley

Pleased to meet you Teddy! Like Smudge, Teddy is a Very Small Animal (Winnie the Pooh fans will get it) who has a very smart jacket and is probably the most wee lad in the pack. Teddy quietly enjoys his hikes, playtimes and treats and I cannot help but scoop him up and squeeze him at times. He also is very much his own dog, not just a squeaky toy and can hold his own when cavorting with the big boys, yeahh Teddy, you rock! x

Pleased to meet you Ella, a beautiful girl who trots gracefully about, stick in mouth or doing the rounds to check on Teddy her room mate, come have a sniff and pet from one of us humans, or play nicely with one of the other dogs. A super good girl who is gentle and a little more refined than some of our troopers, Ella brings us some calm playfulness and is a very cool dog indeed :)

After a gentle climb, we reached our forest trail, where tails up and noses down we explored in the light snow that was falling, yes folks, a welcome return of winter at last!!

Check out the sibs; Skipper and Indy are almost's only when you study their faces and bodies you see subtle differences - Indy has a narrower face, Skip has a rounder belly and not such flappy ears...! And actually as I type, I am looking at this shot thinking that Skip is on the right...but now I am not sure!!! Either way, cool dawgs, caught here licking lips and putting on cute faces - must have been treat time :)

The lovely Julia, on the longline today had a great time raging with her friends...pretty girl! And looks like Teddy is in this shot too...for a little guy he sure gets a lot of action!

Starting the climb - we completed our forest loop them came back out onto the road for an extra lap further up before making our way back down to the truck...a grey, snowy-ish day, no mountain vistas today but plenty of furry bodies to complete the views :)

Another great doggy filled day, see you tomorrow, AroooOOOooooo!
Parting shot: Spanks & Harmony, the sibs Skip and Indy-bindy, and Julia lead the way home...these fluffy white doggies were pretty grubby after our hike, and Spanks and Harmony were taken for a nice shower when they got home...leave the towels out folks, it's dirty doggy hike time!