Pleased to meet you Tao - love the grin :) Tao started off a ways behind the pack, watching the antics and picking up the odd stick, then speeding up as the hike progressed as if gaining momentum ending up near the front of the pack! A keen nose for the treats and a super cool dog to have join us.
Pleased to meet you Sadie - pretty girl! She is full of energy and play, and very much loves to romp with the others - another aswesome addition to a crew of super cool dogs, we are so lucky!
Pleased to meet you Jake! Love the Collies...always ready to round up something!Jake and Sadie Snr were our perimeter dogs today, scouting the terrain for interesting smells and squeaking squirrels. Super good dog, Jake always pops up when called - atta boy!
We started off climbing on an open trail to get a good feel for the newbies and let everone have a sniff and a play with each other, Indy leads the way below, with Ever, Willow, little Sadie and Julia in shot. Sadie Snr and Jake were next to us in the trees busy scouting and Tao was keepy steady pace behind with a huge stick!
Walking through the trails and the forests everything is feeling super spring like (nooooo!) however the dogs, particularly Willow, love to play in the emerging dirt and pools and Ever seemed to have fun eating the mud and dirt the other day, so I was watching her like a hawk today when we reached our 'mud puddle' pit-stop - she didn't seem interested in it today, too many new friends to bark with :)
It was then into the winding forest trails, where Les and I took turns with the camera snapping some cool dog shots as we hiked and a couple of token humans in the mix too:
And as the trail opened out once again, some classic dogs on rocks! I love the way they gallop up there then stand waiting for us 2 legged slow coaches to come closer, they all wait with tails and ears up, grinning in that unique dog way, so awesome, I love them for it!
Couldn't get everyone in shot, but Indy, Sadie snr, Willow, little Sadie and Jake were the first ones up, folowed closely by Ever, Tao Ju and us humans.
Then it was time to head home, have a few minutes of treats and cuddles and 'lets hang out in the truck' training...they are all so good! Awesome day, amazing dogs, pretty darn cool humans (tee-hee) and the best way to spend a good couple of hours, see you all tomorrow, aroOOOOoooo!
Good doggy-doos..they are so smart! At first this morning little Sadie and Tao bounced out once they had loaded, all excited and thinking that everyone else should come out and walk at their house! But the others showed them the routine and by the end of the hike each dog was chilling out, hoping for treats or a cuddle before we set off home. I like to have truck chill time so it is low stress and part of the's great to watch the dogs conveyor belt up into the truck and sit waiting patiently...they rock, love them all!!