Monkey 1 and Monkey 2...aka Ever and Bosley!
To ensure the others get a balanced play I called Ever and Bos in, made them sit, then lay down, then quietly let them go with an 'ok'. Repeat. They were both so good, and what a test to call in a dog in the midst of play.
For me, as ever it was a great learning experience, and because these guys are so good, I was overjoyed with their response...good dogs!!! I also have great advice from all my doggy associates, and Leslie, Canine Energy founder, also suggested a neat trick - a group 'down'. We stayed out an extra ten minutes as in the middle of the hike I called them in for quiet time as usual except this time ten dogs and me sat rolling in the snow, or digging with each other, no treats, no talking/woofing...a total time out. It took some time, don't get me wrong - I was trying not to laugh at times at their antics...but we did it!!! No shots, I didn't want to break the magic of the moment, (and my one futile attempt just got a few heads and a close-up of my ear - ha ha) but they all rocked!
During the group 'down' the following antics were observed...
Bosley was great for 30 seconds then got all ADD and dug holes in the snow, then was asked again and did so well, albeit a bit of a fidget-pants!
Ever was down the whole time, but was fidgeting and grumbling at me...but she did it too, yes Ever was still!
Spanks and Harmony sat well, but just couldn't grasp the lay down idea for long, however they seemed to be listening to me with heads on one side, and they sat quietly...good girls!
Jake, Tao, and Sadie were awesome!!! Jake was in his natural pose down ready to round up, Sadie and Tao were enraptured, thinking this was a long way to give cookies and watched every move I made - well done to the Collie contingent!
Ella trotted about us watching, sitting, looking a bit bemused, but she soon joined Teddy, who sat with his trademark paw up terrier style...good doggies!
And dear Julia...well she just stared at me wondering what all the nonsense was about - what's the point if she doesn't get her cheese treats?! I love the aloof side to Huskies, their cat-like disdain at doggy activities cracks me up! Julia sat well, and waited patently to carry on...I was finding it hard not to laugh at her expressions..Ju you rule!
Enough wittering on...(I do find it hard to stop talking...) here are some shots from the day:
We started with a long climb...a great way to run and play and dance about before winding through the forests!
Julia and Harmony dance!
Heading up into the to enlarge - can't see the dogs through the trees!
No snow on the woodwork - makes me want to grab my bike!
The Collies and Bos-man sit and have a drool...treat time!
Say Cheeeeeese! The small dogs and Ju are just out of shot - and were literally under my feet! I tried to capture them all...not much luck...!
Look at that little nosey...Harmony, Like Spanks is small, cute and very independent - little pocket rockets!!!
Then it was time for home, and truck time...the three new collies are loading super well. This morning on pick up, Tao took his sweet time, but made it eventually, and they all trotted up there one by one after the hike. Awesome...we had a good few minutes to chill and have a pet, biscuit and chat with each dog before heading home. An awesome time, with tired out dogs and a wet and happy me..and Let's Go Canada !(And England, and Holland!)
Final Note:
Our prayers are with Luge rider Nodar Kumaritashvili's family after his tragic accident - sorry to end on a sombre note, but I just had to pay my respects after the news has just broken. Rest In Peace Nodar.