Helloo Mugs! Mugs is a super good boy, loves to play and I love the way he furrows his brow like a Ridgeback...so cute! He is so affectionate too - I remember meeting him for the first time and he was super shy, but today it was all licks and at times sitting on my lap! A good boy, loves to play and gallop about with the whole pack - another great crew member!
Teaka-Teaka! What a pretty girl, and so much fun! I met Teaks for the first time this morning, and she was a shy girl, until she sat in the truck..then she gave me a big lick (went well with my morning coffee...ew!) and warmed up immediately! She was collected first so we could get to know each other, then Teddy and Ella were collected next - and what better dogs to greet a new comer - Ella and Teddy are the perfect hosts making her feel super comfortable as we fetched the rest of the pack. Teaks is another Skip in that she instigates group 'chase-me' play - she is a suuuuuuper cool dog, so well behaved and super good with all the others. She even led the way at times, doing the look back when we reached a fork in the trail to ask me which way next. Awsome :)
So although there were no bluebird skies, we did have that lovely haze of sun through the clouds, and as I mentioned solid travel so we varied our hike from fsr's to forest trails, to clearcut romping...and loved it! I also had a solid pack of chilled out dogs, that every now and then would leap into action and play...then trot along together sniffing quietly - then play again!! Hiking with dogs rules...no chit-chat, no human stresses...just an instant of what smells are there, who wants to play next, and lets dig a hole type 'in the moment' existence...it's awesome - I love watching them and learning their little ways...so lets see some pictures!
Off we go - Teddy and Ella, Skip, Spanks and Harmony, Mugs and Teaka leading the way
Galloping about!
mmmMMmmm smells interesting...
The sun broke through here...it was beautiful!
Teaka pauses to admire the view on our climb
Ella gives a lookback...I love it when they do that, and when they trot back just to say hi and then go off again - little darlings! What a great start to the week - see you all tomorrow, arooooooooooo!