Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Doing the rounds

Today's hike was fun with cool dogs, sweet trails....but boring weather!! Wet and warm with no sun til after the hike...but at least the dogs are perma-stoked on life -  they can make even a grey day fun! We had the lovely Jackets and Wicket, Rudy-Rudester, and Billie-Jean from WAG My friend Brenda came along for the hike and to hang out with the hounds.
Heading out, with Wicky leady the way, followed by Rudy, Jackets and Billie on leash

The snowpack is definitely warming up, off trails we were punching through so no huge climbs today, we looped around the forest trails, and watched the mist float around the mountains...a day for listening to Led Zeppelin methinks (Misty Mountain Tops...)

Wicky, Rudy, and Billie watching the river with some low cloud floating overhead

We did gain a little elevation, and Wicket found a rock on a gentle slope to be fascinated with...he is so funny, he danced around it, pulling it along with his two front legs, and seemed to be concentrating very hard on his mission just to move it from a to b....uphill!!
Working hard, we all watched and had a giggle...he seemed to enjoy himself immensely!

Then it was time to call everyone in and have a sit, wait, and a little treat...Brenda captured the moment here with everyone sitting to attention. Did I mention the last time Rudy came out how wonderful his treat manners are? He ever so delicately takes the treat, barely touching my fingers...what a gentleman! Billie, who is more on the slobbering snatch end of the spectrum is actually improving very well too, good girl Billie Jean!
Then it was time to head home, and I love this shot of Billie, her expression seems to be suggesting here that we carry on hiking if you please as opposed to 'capturing the moment!' she is still full of energy, which at times she finds hard to contain, but she has come on in leaps and bounds (literally, ha ha!) from when we first took her out. She loads the truck perfectly, and her manners are improving so well...we hope she will find a loving home soon, but until then she is always welcome for a hike with us!

"...oh do come on!"

And finally, a parting shot of dear Jackets...what a lovely day with awesome dogs and a good friend :) See you all tomorrow, arooooo!