Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Three Layer Cake

...yes, food is always on my mind. Especially at this awesome time of year, where one can be in thigh deep snow one minute, hiking along sugar ice frosting the next, or deep in old growth forests with a thick tree canopy keeping rock and moss free of the white stuff. Love it. I love variety :) 
Hope this makes sense of the above...!

So today's stellar bunch of dogs were Bosley, Jayda, Kayla and Skipper, and oh what fun we had! We started with a climb that took 30 mins to go up, in varying levels of snow so we were all pooched by the time we got back down to the forest trail, then I looked at the time and saw I only had 40 mins to get round the loop I wanted to do that normally takes an hour...so off we went! The pack really pull in and we move as one when I get the speed up - at times we were all running along winding through the switchbacks together as a tight pack, no breakaways to sniff or pee, then we would slow to catch breath and meander a bit before taking off again. Awesome hike, beautiful day...here are the shots!
A galloping start today!

Jayda and Kayla take a breather

Bosley digs a pit to asses the snowpack... ha ha!

Skipper and his plume of a tail emerge from a pee in the trees!

...then it was my turn!!

Then on we go again - check out the blue sky, the fresh tracks, the dogs...ah bliss!

Kayla demo's the paw penetration depth of snow...

Then boom, into the forests and the view changes altogether!!

Skip and Kayla

Peakaboo Bos, Jayda and Kayla!

Beautiful trees

Bos and Skipper rock (geddit?!)

...as do Jayda and Kayla..look as those pink tongues!

Heading back out to the snowy side...

Then loading up for a treat and home...hope they are all as tired as I am!
See you all tomorrow, aroooooo!