Saturday, August 7, 2010

Ramble on...again!

Ok, so I used to be an IT geek...and yet I cannot for the life of me fathom why I can suddenly access the remaining pictures from the last hike!! I literally plugged my memory card into my PC and boom, there they all were!!, without further ado my doggie loving friends - here are the remaining shots!
 Milling about after a run...we all had to get our breaths back!
Wicky in the Fireweed...that sounds like a great kid book title!
Up to the lake...
 Smoky skies....
 Who wants a drinky-poo's?!
Jackets goes for the stick watched closely by Skip as Kayla looks to me for another
Cruzer contemplates...ha hah aaaaa! He stretched out his hind legs yoga style before dunking himself in!
 The crew...Jackets on the left makes sure the sky isn't falling, kayla smiles, Cruzer peers through the forelock, Skip and Wicky grin up at me....darling doggie-dooooos!
 Lush trails mean plenty of interesting smells!
 Boo! I made Cruzer jump tee-hee!!
That's all folks...I could go on, but it is a day off...I am off to play outside - see you all Monday, ArooOOooOo! one more, I love the 'shot through the berries' look...I keep taking pics of this and just love it!